Astudiaeth achos

Laura, Planner
Hertfordshire County Council

While at university I undertook two weeks voluntary work experience at East Hertfordshire District Council. This provided a practical understanding of the range of roles and responsibilities within a local council and developed my aspirations to work for the public sector in a planning capacity. I am particularly interested in addressing the strategic issues that shape our society and environment, so a career in planning policy seemed ideal.

To help me secure my current job I needed a degree in a subject relevant to planning - in my case geography. I also needed good computer skills, good written and analytical skills and strong communication skills.

It's difficult to describe a 'typical' day as the job provides a range of different responsibilities and opportunities. My key role is working within a small team to ensure that the interests of Hertfordshire's residents are addressed at a regional and district level. This involves responding to new planning policies and initiatives and liaising with the district councils. In practical terms it involves analysing documents, writing reports, attending meetings, going to seminars/conferences and communicating with the public.

I am also involved in working with the district councils to develop a sustainable development guide for Hertfordshire. Additionally, reflecting the county council's statutory role to work regionally, I have been coding and analysing responses to the East of England Plan.

The most challenging aspect of the job is probably the amount of planning policy there is to learn. However, I like the variety of the job - each day is different. I am constantly learning new things and facing new challenges. The job often involves working outside the office, attending meetings, public events and courses, which adds interest and provides practical experience. I also work with a good team, providing a comfortable and innovative learning environment.