Astudiaeth achos

The profile of Barbara is accompanied by a video of an interview with a Home Care Team Manager in Gwynedd.  The video is in Welsh with English subtitles.


Barbara's typical day:

08.15 Breakfast meeting
Barbara attends a breakfast meeting with colleagues in the social services department who are involved in the modernising care project group. They spend the time discussing progress and allocating additional tasks.

09.45 Admin and finance
Barbara spends some time at her desk monitoring budgets and signing off invoices.
She also catches up on some correspondence, including dealing with a complaint from a service user who is not satisfied with the level of care they have received.

13.30 Team member one-to-one
Barbara conducts a one-to-one meeting with a member of her management team to provide support and direction and check progress against the current service action plans.

15.00 Health and safety check
Barbara spends some time checking the office for any health and safety problems and refers them to the council's health and safety manager to be investigated and resolved.

15.30 Interview
Barbara spends the rest of the afternoon preparing for and conducting an interview with a candidate who has applied for a vacancy as a social worker.