Astudiaeth achos

Jahangir, Assistant Accountant
London Borough of Tower Hamlets

"I joined the council as a graduate trainee and after one year on the training programme, I applied for a permanent post within the housing finance section. To get the job I had to be a graduate - I have a maths degree - and be prepared to undertake the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) professional qualifications, for which I am now studying.

My current role includes preparing and monitoring budgets, projecting spend and income, carrying out benchmarking exercises and preparing financial models. However, I have had the opportunity of working in a number of roles, which has given my self-confidence a great lift. I now find myself leading some projects, which would have felt daunting a year ago.

I really appreciate the support I get from my colleagues and managers and the continued opportunity to study and progress within the organisation is great. I like the variety of the job; I joined the organisation with the idea that local councils were slow moving, but it is actually a very dynamic environment.

Being young and new to the organisation, I'm gaining experience all the time. It is a challenge to be adaptable and learn quickly, but I get a great sense of achievement at the end of each day."