School Improvement Manager

Councils have a duty to ensure that the schools in their area provide a good standard of education.  School improvement managers monitor, challenge and support schools in order to raise standards.  They work for county, unitary. metropolitan councils or consortiums.  They are known in some councils as education development managers.

Work Environment
School improvement managers are based in offices however due to the nature of their work spend a lot of time visiting schools and attending meetings with other educational professionals.

Daily Activities
School improvement managers are usually responsible for a group of schools. They manage a team of school improvement advisers who are each allocated a number of schools within the group. The School Improvement Manager is required to support the implementation of the school improvement strategies of their local authority or Consortium. The number of visits that each school may receive each year will vary depending on the degree of support required.  . Where weaknesses are identified, school improvement managers may be required to provide advice to governing bodies and Headteachers in developing an action plan. This may occur specifically following an ESTYN inspection.

ESTYN inspectors may class a school that they regard as not providing satisfactory education as underperforming i.e. in need of significant improvement or in special measures. Schools and education departments have to undertake to put matters right and depending on the severity of the grading must produce a number of reports, assessments and action plans within a set time period. They then have a fixed time scale for implementing the action plans, before a further inspection is carried out.

School Improvement Managers may also act as advisers to head teachers and school governors on a variety of matters - including selection of head teachers. When a headship becomes vacant they, will assist the governors in drawing up a shortlist of suitable candidates and sit on the interview panel. Legally, they have only an advisory role, but should the governors appoint someone who in their opinion is unsuitable, they advise the governors in writing of their reservations.

School improvement managers also spend time reading educational reports, documents and keeping up to date with changes in education policy and changes in the law that affect schools.

Skills & Interests
School improvement managers must:

  • have excellent communication skills;
  • be able to gain the confidence and trust of head teachers and teachers;
  • be good leaders;
  • possess negotiating skills;
  • be diplomatic and persuasive - and firm when the occasion requires;
  • enjoy working in a team;
  • be good organisers and good time managers, able to balance conflicting demands on their time.

Entry Requirements
The basic requirement is an initial degree and qualified teacher status.. Many require higher level postgraduate qualifications such as masters degrees or advanced diplomas in education.  Since school improvement managers must have a high level of credibility with teachers, governors and parents, many are former teachers, (often head teachers).  Many also have experience as school inspectors.  Others have experience in educational administration in councils' education departments.

Future Prospects & Opportunities
Some authorities may employ up to two School Improvement Managers (one for Primary the other for Secondary).  A Consortium arrangement may employ more.  There could be possible promotion routes to chief education officer, or head of children's services.  There are also opportunities in related areas linked to specific initiatives and specialisms such as Early Years Education, Literacy and Numeracy

Further Information & Services
Association of Professionals in Education and Children's Trusts
Department for Education
Education jobs
General Teaching Council for Wales
Welsh Government.  

You may find further information about this area of work through Careers Wales ( or in your local library, careers office or school careers library.

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