PR Assistant

Public Relations (PR) is all about conveying a positive image to the public - usually via the media (newspapers, magazines, radio and TV, for example.).  PR assistants work in all sizes of local authority, ensuring that the work of the Council is kept in the public eye and that it is seen to be doing a good job.  As we develop into a more and more media-driven society, so the importance of positive PR increases - and the number of jobs with it.

Work Environment
PR assistants are based in an office environment - but their work often involves going out and meeting journalists, and spending time at the events they are publicising.

Daily Activities
It's the PR Assistant's job to help PR Officers to achieve the team's goals - to keep the council's good name on people's lips (nationally, locally, or both) and to make sure the public and the media have the right information.

Their work can be proactive:

  • gathering information about forthcoming events and the Council's work;
  • writing press releases;
  • gaining approval for them to be released;
  • sending them to journalists and others on their mailing list;
  • ringing journalists to see whether the story is of interest to them;
  • sending out follow-up information;
  • arranging photo and interview opportunities, including launch events;
  • reading through newspapers and magazines and collecting press cuttings - to show where their story was featured.

Or reactive:

  • responding to requests for information from journalists;
  • researching facts and figures when asked - from colleagues and other departments in the council, for instance.

They may also be involved in researching new contacts, ringing newspapers and magazines, radio and TV stations to find the most appropriate person to talk to. They may have to work within tight deadlines, both within their department - when an event is about to happen - and with journalists - when the publication/programme is about to be printed/broadcast.  When an event is being arranged, the PR assistant may be responsible for finding and booking a suitable venue, tracking down celebrities and arranging refreshments. And when it happens, they may be called on to look after the press, photographers or VIPs.

Skills & Interests
PR assistants need to have:

  • good communication skills - both written and spoken. They need to be able to catch a journalist's attention quickly and make them want to use their feature;
  • logical thinking - able to capture the essence of a story succinctly;
  • the ability to juggle several tasks at once;
  • the ability to work well under pressure - and willingness to meet deadlines;
  • an outgoing, sociable personality;
  • perseverance - to make sure their message is conveyed.

Entry Requirements
There is no one route into PR.  GNVQs/GSVQs in media studies may be useful, as may BTEC/SQA qualifications - a Diploma or Certificate in Business & Finance with a Marketing option, for example.  Some councils ask for a degree. There are a number of university degree courses that include PR, marketing or media studies as a speciality. There are also postgraduate diplomas and Masters degrees in Public Relations.  Once appointed, you can work towards the professional qualifications of the Communication Advertising and Marketing Education Foundation or the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Future Prospects & Opportunities
The number of PR assistants varies dramatically according to the size of the local authority. It may be possible to gain promotion within the department, to PR Officer and ultimately to PR Director. It is also possible to move to other authorities for promotion.  There are PR jobs in commercial settings, outside local government. Marketing and advertising roles may also be of interest.

Further Information & Services
Chartered Institute of Public Relations
Chartered Institute of Marketing
Communications Advertising & Marketing Education Foundation
You may find further information about this area of work through Careers Wales ( or in your local library, careers office or school careers library.

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