Case study
Andy, Web Editor
South Norfolk Council
"Before working for the council, I'd had three years of relevant
experience, so I decided to apply for the web editor role. Since
working for the council I have had the opportunity to do training
within my area of work (web design) and also to gain a Prince II
practitioner qualification in project management.
My job involves creating, editing and publishing content on the
council's two websites (a public website and and internal
intranet). A typical day would include some or all of the
following tasks: adding content such as committee papers, job
vacancies, news stories etc. to the sites; working with authors
(officers in the council at all levels) to prepare their content
for publication; taking part in procurement exercises for new web
systems (eg, content management systems); designing the sites to
meet usability and accessibility guidelines.
Although no particular qualification was required when I came
into post, I would say that a sound knowledge of HTML, the ability
to use image editing software (eg, Photoshop) and some
copy-editing/copy-writing experience are all really useful if you
are thinking of applying for a similar role.
Having previously been made redundant I'd say the best thing
about this job is security. There are also some opportunities to be
creative and learn new skills to enhance future career
The most challenging thing about the role is getting across the
message to staff and councillors that both the website and intranet
can be tools of enormous benefit to them in their jobs, and not
just extra work in maintaining their content.
In future I would like to concentrate more on the editorial side
of web content management (ie, writing for the web)."
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