Environmental services departments within local councils have a
range of responsibilities including housing, food safety,
environmental protection, occupational health and safety and public
health. Enforcement officers work alongside professionally
qualified environmental health practitioners investigating offences
relating to all areas of environmental legislation.
Work Environment
Enforcement officers spend some of their time in the office, but
they spend a large proportion of their time making visits. They may
have to visit unpleasant and potentially dangerous places. When
necessary, they wear protective clothing. They may also spend time
in court when prosecutions are being conducted.
Daily Activities
Enforcement officers may cover several aspects of the
environmental health department's work or may work in highly
specialised areas. Some for instance, have high level
qualifications in acoustics or air pollution and are expert in that
one field. Enforcement officers receive and investigate
complaints and make visits to decide whether the complaint is
justified. They might make some visits in response to a report from
a technician who has made a routine inspection and referred a
problem to them. Many visits are made in response to complaints
made by local residents. Visits may involve investigating a
wide range of issues including dog fouling, fly tipping, noisy
neighbours, abandoned vehicles, litter, graffiti, illegal street
trading or sites unlawfully occupied by travellers.
When an enforcement officer has examined the situation, they
then have to find out who is responsible for the problem. Sometimes
this may be obvious; sometimes they undertake detective work. They
might interview neighbours and members of the public to try to find
out whose dog is responsible for fouling pavements or who has
pasted up illegal posters for example. They then have to observe
the offence being committed themselves rather than simply relying
on somebody else's word.
Enforcement officers frequently have to liaise with colleagues
in other council departments or with other agencies. In the case of
an abandoned vehicle they might have to contact the police to
establish the owner's identity. If land is being used for illegal
dumping, they will contact the land registry department to find out
who owns the land.
When they know who is responsible, enforcement officers first
give a warning and ask the culprit to put the matter right. If this
is ignored, they issue a legally enforceable order - and as a last
resort recommend their senior manager to ask for a prosecution. If
the council takes the offender to court, officers prepare the
evidence for the council's legal department. They might also appear
as expert witnesses.
Skills & Interests
Enforcement officers need to be:
- persuasive, with excellent communication skills,
- inquisitive with good attention to detail,
- good report writers,
- able to work well under pressure,
- able to work well both in a team and on your own
- able to demonstrate a good knowledge of technical issues and
awareness of environmental legislation.
Entry Requirements
These vary considerably according to whether employing councils
grade the work at technician or professional level. Some councils
expect national or higher national level qualifications in food
science, biological sciences, environmental science and other
relevant subjects. Others ask for degrees. Often previous
enforcement experience is useful.
Future Prospects & Opportunities
There may be opportunities to gain professional qualifications
whilst working and move into the role of environmental health
officer. There may also be scope to develop in enforcement within
other areas of environmental services such as trading standards or
Further Information & Services
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Civil Enforcement Association
Institute of Occupational Safety & Health
Royal Society for the Promotion of Health
Careers Wales have produced a Spotlight article on careers in
food and farming:
You may find further information about this area of work through
Careers Wales ( or
in your local library, careers office or school careers