Case study

Pollution Control Technical Officer, Shona

Technical Officer, Pollution Control

08.30 Meeting with Corporate Technical Services
Shona asks an engineer to check the DAT recording machine that had been giving her trouble when she last tried to monitor noise levels.
09.15 Appointment at Carlton Dog Kennels
People living near to the kennels, which also runs a sanctuary for stray dogs, have complained to the council about the incessant barking and of smells emanating from the premises. Shona explains to the owner and gives him a chance to rectify the situation, or be served a noise abatement order.
10.15 Carlton Park Hotel
Shona sets up noise monitoring equipment in one of the rooms of the neighbouring hotel whose owners complained about the barking. She places the microphone near the window facing on to the kennels and explains that she will collect the gear the following day.
12.30 Appointment back at Council Offices, Planning Department
Shona goes to see the Planning Office Enforcement Officer and the Dog Warden and explains the situation. They agree to look into the siting of the kennels and have the vet visit to see if the place is run properly. After the meeting she also discusses the matter with environmental health officer because larger concerns about pollution and health and safety might be at issue. She writes up her report for her group leader.
14.00 School speech day
As she works flexitime, Shona is able to take the afternoon off to attend her son's speech day. She makes arrangements with her husband to look after domestic affairs so that she can go back to the office in the evening.
16.30 Health & safety training
Shona attends an in-house training session on current health and safety legislation and management of difficult situations.

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