Case study

Information Systems Co-ordinator, Mark

A local authority Information Systems Co-ordinator describes a typical working day.

10:00 Briefing Meeting
Mark attends an internal meeting with his clients - members of the web editorial team and officers from other council service departments. They discuss the latest state of the website and how far it is satisfying local community needs for information.  Where there are services that are still not electronically available, Mark sets out his plans for their implementation.  He also reports on the intranet, the internal communications system. In addition he might present his proposals for the development of ICT systems, debating new ideas about how web pages might look and where they should be located on the site.

11:30 Work on web pages
A large amount of Mark´s time is spent in front of a computer developing web pages and he incorporates advice from CAD Operators, Help Desk Co-ordinators and IT Officers on layout and functioning.  He gets feedback from service department managers about how systems are working and gives advice about what can and cannot be done on a web page.

12:15 Meeting with Social Services
Mark visits a line manager in Social Services to give advice about how to help benefits claimants use the council's information booths.

14:00 Team meeting
Mark talks to web and IT technicians and IS assistants about what is technically possible, design, video and aural input and just how ICT systems will work. He guides his team through their responsibilities for dealing with web enquiries from members of the public, benefits agencies, Citizens Advice Bureaux and so on.

16:00 Work on special projects
Mark has set aside some time to manage projects such as multi-media kiosks, digital television websites and online planning applications, as well as traffic flow information and payroll systems. He drafts a timetable for the week to cover these activities.

19:30 College
In order to broaden his experience Mark is attending an evening class in Systems Analysis.

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