Case study

Co-ordinator, Brenda

Brenda, Coordinator
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

I worked in a number of different roles before coming to Knowsley Council, including management positions. I moved here when social services started to offer supported employment as an alternative to day services for vulnerable adults. I took a salary drop to enable me to do hands-on work without any management responsibilies, as I felt my job satisfaction would be improved. My current position as co-ordinator has taken me back into a management role but allows me to make and support improvements to services which gives me the job satisfaction I need to enjoy my work.

I manage the placement and social care worker teams;both teams are responsible for finding jobs, work placements and voluntary work opportunities with the correct level of support for vulnerable adults. I hold regular supervisions and arrange adequate training to ensure the staff are equipped with skills to enable them to do their jobs confidently and competently. I monitor and evaluate current projects, manage specific butgets and as part of the management team I support the management of the service as a whole.

Although it can be a challenge finding ways to ensure a quality service is being offered on a daily basis to every service user, it is fantastic seeing people with disabilities being given opportunities to integrate into the world of work.

I have completed lots of relevant training to meet my needs as a coordinator, most importantly the NVQ level 4 in management.

There are lots of changes happening in social services at present and I would like to be part of this by having a positive impact on the modernising of day services.

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